I love watching the apple and cherry trees begin their spring journey from dormancy to life. It starts with a little green bud on the tips of the branches, and before you know it, the whole tree is covered in full green leaves. Shortly after you see white buds and then the beautiful blossoms. It doesn’t all happen at once, because the tree must begin a process of waking up after winter before it can get “juices” flowing, before it is ready for the stress of the leaves and then the fruit.

The Little Things
The human body is an amazing thing, it is capable of lifting hundreds of pounds, running miles and miles, and swimming across lakes. When we think of how our bodies do those things, the big muscles and strong back usually come to mind. That’s not wrong, but it overlooks the millions of tiny processes that occur inside our organs, and inside our cells, to make those amazing accomplishments possible.

The "Magic" Fix
Unfortunately, there is no magic bullet when it comes to pain, but there is hope. Pain is your body communicating with itself that something is not right.

Summer of Health
Age does not have as much to do with it as our level of activity. Start today by moving, doing strengthening exercises, and improving flexibility.

Common Conditions
There are many other conditions that we see at the office, but these are the most common (at least I think so. I haven’t really kept track and I don’t know how to look it up).

Spring Cleaning Without Pain
Every year, I see a surge in patients that hurt themselves cleaning up for the warm weather ahead. These injuries can almost always be avoided. Here are a few tips

Chiropractic and Heart Health
Heart health should be a priority for all of us. You hopefully are wondering how chiropractic can help keep your heart strong and healthy.

Cold Weather Aches
We must find a way to move, even if most of our avenues to do that are taken away. Thankfully, we live in 2021 and there are options available to us that did not exist 20 years ago.

The Chiropractic Treatment
The main component of a chiropractic treatment is the adjustment. The adjustment is a way of introducing motion into a joint that is stuck or dysfunctional.

Modern Fitness
We help your body function how it should and keep you moving. This care has helped many patients stay active as they age. It is never too late to get moving.

Doing More Good Than Bad
It is easy right now to compromise our health and to rationalize poor decisions. Many patients have told me that their sleep schedule is whacked out, their diet is shot, and their workouts are not what they were.

Staying Healthy During COVID-19
Life is pretty different right now. I know that is not an insightful comment, we are all aware of the strange times that we are experiencing.

Why Chiropractic Care is Considered an Essential Service
Why is chiropractic considered essential? There are many reasons, but here are the three biggest.