The Chiropractic Treatment

Many people are familiar with chiropractic care, but they are not quite sure what that means. When they come into the office for the first time, they usually ask questions like “what should I expect?”, “will this hurt?” or “you look more professional and handsome online that you do in person”. I guess that last one was not a question, but I do hear that a lot. They think that I photoshopped the pictures on the website. Basically, what people want to know is what the treatment entails and how will it help.The main component of a chiropractic treatment is the adjustment.

The adjustment is a way of introducing motion into a joint that is stuck or dysfunctional. This can be done a few ways, the most common is when the chiropractor uses his hands to quickly manipulate the joint. This can create a pop or cracking sound, called a cavitation. That cavitation occurs because the movement in the joint releases pressure, and that quick release causes an audible noise. Some people cannot stand that sound or feeling, so they prefer a tool called an Activator. It does the same thing but is gentler and does not create the cavitation. The adjustment is important because it helps restore proper motion and allows the body to correct itself. We almost always couple the adjustment with muscle work that may include massage therapy, trigger point therapy, Graston Technique, and others. The goal is to reduce tension, swelling, and inflammation in the muscles, which can all help decrease the muscle pull on the joints and make the adjustment more effective. Chiropractic visits should be relieving, relaxing, and rejuvenating. They can help a variety of ailments, from headaches and neck pain to back pain and sciatica. Call the office at 888-5477 to schedule your relieving appointment today.


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