Cold Weather Aches

The first week of January is always interesting. The Holidays are mostly behind us and it is about now that we realize that winter just started. The cold and darkness can be difficult on us mentally and physically. The ice, snow, and cold can make it dangerous to do things outside. This is not the time of year to be puttering around the garden or to be going on relaxing evening walks as the sun sets. How do we manage the tightness, aches, and pains that are so common in winter?We must find a way to move, even if most of our avenues to do that are taken away. Thankfully, we live in 2021 and there are options available to us that did not exist 20 years ago. We can look up anything from yoga sessions and low-impact workouts to high-intensity-interval-training options. Shoot, Richard Simmons’ routines are still out there on the internet. It might not be what we want to do, or what we are used to doing, but it is better than sitting around and turning into Jabba the Hutt.

Nutrition is another way to help with the cold weather issues. Our bodies still have an evolutionary tendency to crave “comfort foods” during cold weather. They warm us and help us store fat during what historically were lean times. We can find a placate our instincts but still help ourselves by eating healthy stews and soups instead of delicious roasts covered in scrumptious gravy. An occasional soup bone or hambone can help provide our bodies with nutrients that help our joints.Getting adjusted regularly is a great way to feel better during these cold months. The adjustment will help the joints move, it will help us feel looser, and will alleviate those aches and pains. Call 888-5477 to schedule your adjustment or massage, or both!I love going to the gym, it helps with my mental stress as much or more than it helps me physically.


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