The Little Things

The human body is an amazing thing, it is capable of lifting hundreds of pounds, running miles and miles, and swimming across lakes. When we think of how our bodies do those things, the big muscles and strong back usually come to mind. That’s not wrong, but it overlooks the millions of tiny processes that occur inside our organs, and inside our cells, to make those amazing accomplishments possible.

Let us take weight loss for example. The big goal is to lose weight by shedding fat. Do you know how we actually lose the fat? We don’t sweat it out, we do not defecate it out either. It does not just disappear; I am sure that would break some law of thermodynamics. We lose weight through the metabolic process that involves breathing. We breathe in O2, the body does its things (that I was told were too boring to include here) and turns that O2 into CO2 which we breathe out. Basically, we lose weight one carbon atom at a time. Do you know how much one carbon atom weighs? Me neither but google says it is 1.9x10-23 grams, which is basically nothing. However, with continued efforts, we can slowly lose weight and change our bodies.

If one carbon atom after another can lead to massive weight loss, what other small habits can create big results? Think how effective doing just one minute of core exercises would be compared to doing nothing. What about one minute of stretching? Your body might not be where you want it to be right now, but by starting small you can accomplish almost any goal. Chiropractic care is a great way to keep yourself on the path to greater overall health. It will help increase mobility, decrease pain, and help stop any small aches from becoming monster pains.




The "Magic" Fix