The "Magic" Fix

Being in pain is miserable. It can change your mood and alter your personality. People get grumpy, irritable, and start to lose hope. They become desperate. They are willing to pay too much money for a gadget on late night TV that promises to fix what ails them. Maybe it is a copper infused back brace, or an amazing herbal supplement derived from the hair of a unicorn. A patient once told me that they purchased some magic spiritual spring water from a televangelist because they felt like they were out of options.Unfortunately, there is no magic bullet when it comes to pain, but there is hope. Pain is your body communicating with itself that something is not right. Discovering what is wrong and treating it is the only sure way to deal with pain. Chiropractic care focuses on allowing the body to heal itself. A saying that I saw every day at school stated, “the power that made the body can heal the body”. I tried to find the original source of the quote, but everyone on the internet takes credit for it. Regardless, the principle has shown to be true time and time again. When we can diagnose the dysfunction, we can then address and remove the dysfunction, allowing the body to function how it is designed to do.Chiropractic care can effectively treat a variety of ailments, from headaches and neck pain to low back pain and sciatica. Give England Chiropractic a call and find out how we can help you feel better, and avoid the embarrassment of explaining why you ordered a magnetic powered crystal massager from the internet.


The Little Things


Summer of Health