Headaches Are Not Normal

Our bodies are amazing machines that continually perform amazing processes throughout the day. We take all that for granted, and with good reason. For instance, think about how you are breathing right now. Are you breathing in while you read this? How about now? Now? Chances are, now you are thinking more about how you are breathing than you would like. When our bodies function normally, we can focus on the things around us. When our bodies are hurt, dysfunctional, or sick, we become distracted, irritable, and sometimes downright mean.

There are many reasons for our bodies to not be right, too many to even pretend to list here. One of the most common ailments is headaches. According to a Google search, and confirmed by Wikipedia, over 33 million people will suffer from migraines this year. That number only includes migraines and ignores the many other types of headaches. Hopefully you have never had a migraine, but if you have you will attest that they are miserable. All headaches, really, are dumb.

There are many things that can trigger headaches; stress, physical trauma, repetitive work, children, etc. The thing that we all want to know while suffering from a headache is “how do I get rid of this thing?”. That is where chiropractic comes in to the picture. Well, we should have been in the picture before the headache got this bad, but I’m not here to make you feel guilty. Chiropractic care has been shown to be effective to not only help resolve headaches, but also to prevent them from returning. The adjustment, among other things, helps relieve pressure in the neck and shoulders. That releases the tension in the neck muscles that support the head and move the face. That reaction alone can be enough to provide significant relief, but we don’t stop there. Using various forms of massage, including Graston Technique and trigger point therapy, the whole treatment is designed to help restore the neck and shoulders to a healthier, and less headachy, state.

If you are suffering from them, give us a call at 888-5477 to make an appointment. Headaches are common, but they are not normal. They are not supposed to happen, and they can go away.


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