Dr. Krysann Rodriguez

Dr. Krysann was born in Silverdale, WA, which is known for being the inspiration to Silvertown in Joe Dirt. Joe Dirt is a movie about a lost redneck who wandered until he found a home. While not really a redneck, Dr. Krysann did wander before she found a home at England Chiropractic. She received her DC degree from Western States University (we’ve forgiven her for not going to Palmer, but not forgotten) and then worked in the Ballard/Fremont area. It’s no wonder that she made the move to Chelan to try and rebuild the damage that the Westside did to her. It’s not that she didn’t like the Westside, it was just the people, the traffic, the weather, the crowding, the clouds, and the Westside that she didn’t like.

Dr Rodriguez is a gifted adjuster, and she also specializes in soft tissue and rehab work, along with walking the Camino de Santiago in her annual month-long sabbaticals.


Dr. Aaron England


DeAndra England