Warming Up For Summer

I think we all love summer. The cold, dark days of winter are mostly behind us. The flowers are blooming, the days are longer, and the grass is growing. It’s a wonderful time to shake off the winter rust and return to an active lifestyle. Walking, hiking, gardening, biking, golfing…there are a lot of -ings that we do! These things are all great for our physical and mental wellbeing. As we start to get ready for summer, it is smart to follow the example of Major League Baseball.

I always look forward to the Mariners starting their Spring Training. The players return from their winter whatever and start to get ready for their summer jobs. The first few days are spent jogging, stretching and lightly throwing. These professional baseball players gradually get their bodies ready for activities. If these pros need a few days or weeks to get ready for summer, how important is it for us weekend warriors to prepare ourselves? Too many injuries occur in the summer because we have been sitting on the couch for the last five months, binge watching Game of Thrones and suddenly we think that we can walk five miles up and down hills.

Just like any other activity, we must allow our bodies time to adapt and build up its strength and stamina. Start slow, take appropriate breaks and do not think that you can suddenly jump back into an activity that you haven’t done since fall. As you do this, you will avoid major problems and injuries. Minor aches are expected and normal but give us a call before they become major issues. Chiropractic care should be an essential part to your summer activities.


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